In India, there are several cow breeds that are reared for milk. Farm animals have long been a reliable source of revenue for people. And, in the current situation cattle farming has been a successful enterprise.
Know Which Cow Gives More Milk
Below we have given a list of cattle breeds that give more milk;
Indigenous Milch / Milk Breeds:
The females of these breeds have large milk production, but the males are sluggish or inefficient workers. The sahiwal, Red Sindhi, Gir, and Deoni milch breeds are examples of Indian milch breeds. Milk breeds produce an average of more than 1600 kg of milk each lactation. Find the details below:
Red Sindhi
This breed is one of India's most unique cattle breeds, hailing from Kohistan, Sindh region in present-day Pakistan. Punjab, Haryana, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, and Orissa are the main markets. After suckling their calves, the Red Sindhi produces about 1700 kg of milk on average, although under ideal conditions, milk outputs of over 3400 kg per lactation have been recorded. The fat level of the milk is 5.0 percent.
Originally from the present-day Pakistani district of Montgomery. Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, Bihar, and Madhya Pradesh are the most common locations. Under village conditions, milk production is 1350 kg. Milk production is around 2100 kg in commercial farms per lactation. The fat level of the milk is 5.0 percent. Is 32 to 36 months old at first calving and has a15 month calving interval.
The Gir is a well-known Indian milk cow breed. The Gir hills and woods of Kathiawar, which include the Gujarat districts of Junagadh, Bhavnagar, Rajkot, and Amreli, are the breed's natural habitat. Under village conditions, milk production is 900 kg and milk output of 1600 kg on commercial farms per lactation.
It is found in the Karnataka district of Bidar and the Maharashtra district of Latur. Bullocks are useful for labour and cows are good milk producers. During a lactation cycle, the cow produces an average of 1135 liters of milk per lactation. The fat level of the milk is 4.3 percent.
Exotic Breeds
This breed originated on Jersey Island, off the coast of France, in the English Channel. The Jersey is one of the oldest dairy breeds, with officials reporting it as purebred for almost 600 years. Jerseys may range in colour from a very light gray or mouse hue to a very dark fawn or almost black shade. Bulls and females are often darker around the hips, head, and shoulders than the rest of the body.
These cows are 26 to 30 months old at first calving. Have 13 to 14 months between calving and inter-calving. Produces 5000 to 8000 kg milk yield per lactation and the fat level in milk is 5%. Dairy milk output is 20 liters per day, while crossbred jersey cows produce 8 to 10 liters per day. In India, this breed has adapted successfully, particularly in hot and humid climates.
Holstein Friesian
The origins of this breed may be traced back to Holland. Holsteins are big, elegant cattle with black and white or red and white color patterns. They may be bred when they are 15 months old and weigh around 800 pounds. Holstein females should calve for the first time between the ages of 24 and 27 months.
Milk production ranges from 7200 to 9000 kg per lactation and has a fat level of 3.5-4.0 percent In terms of milk output, this is by far the finest dairy breed among exotic cattle. It produces 25 liters of milk per day on average, compared to 10 to 15 liters per day for a mixed breed H.F. cow. It may thrive in coastal and delta environments.