Goats are magnificent creatures that have been raised in India since a long time. Goats are being raised commercially in almost every corner of the world. In addition, commercial goat farming is slowly becoming popular all over the world. As the world's population grows, so does the demand for food. Commercial goat farming has the potential to play an important role in meeting the rising food demand.
Goat farming has numerous perks and disadvantages. The main advantage of goat farming is the high market demand and the availability of a wide variety of goat breeds. If you are a beginner and interested in starting a goat farming business, you should be aware of the following advantages and disadvantages.
Advantages of goat farming:
Goats are versatile animals with a wide variety of breeds to choose from. However, we will go through the key benefits of goat farming in this article.
- Minimal Space Is Required:
Goats are small animals. As a result, they require less space than certain other domestic animals. They have less housing needs, thus a house with the bare minimum of amenities will suffice.
- Feeding Needs are Less:
Goats require less feed because they are smaller animals. In India, there are several goat varieties that can thrive on low-quality feed as well.
- Multipurpose Usage
Goats are versatile animals that are raised for a variety of reasons. Another advantage of goat farming business is its multipurpose usage. Its meat and milk for which goats are commonly farmed.
- Low Maintenance:
The majority of goat breeds demand less attention and management. They are quite easy to look after, and even women and children may do so.
- Numerous Breeds Are Available;
Some goat breeds are popular for meat production, while others are suitable for milk production, and yet others are suitable for both meat and milk production.
Selecting dual-purpose goat breeds is an excellent idea if you want to produce both meat and milk. Dual-purpose goat breeds include Beetal, Sirohi, Barbari, Marwari, Mehsana, Kutchi, Gohilwadi, and Zalawadi. In some countries, exotic goat breeds (such as Boer, Alpine, and others) are also available.
- Market is ready to go:
Meat and milk from goats are in high demand on the worldwide market. As a result, you won't have to bother about selling your goods. There are no religious restrictions on goat products, and they are widely consumed.
- Resilience to Climate Change:
Goats are extremely robust creatures that can adapt to practically any temperature on the planet.
- Faster Growth:
Goats have a quicker growth rate than other animals. They mature swiftly and multiply in the flock in a short amount of time. Goats reaches maturity in a short period of time.
- Source of Work:
Commercial goat farming is a key source of employment for the locals. Particularly for the educated unemployed.
Disadvantages of Goat Farming
The following are the most significant downsides of goat farming.
- Conventional System:
The majority of goat farmers raise their animals in the conventional way. And the majority of the farmers used to keep their goats under strict supervision. They are oblivious to the present system.
- Insufficient Knowledge:
There is also a lack of expertise regarding how to efficiently run a goat farming business. There are numerous agriculture extension offices, universities, and research institutes to choose from. However, the majority of individuals do not take use of government programs.
- Inability to Select Correct Breed:
The majority of goat farmers, especially those who are just starting out, make mistakes when it comes to selecting the correct breed for their business. As a result, they do not produce well. Then they go out of business.
- Getting Started with No Prior Experience:
After making the decision, some beginners immediately begin raising goats. This is not a good idea, and newcomers with little experience with goat rearing will face high costs and fatality rates. And they usually make less money or even lose money.
- Inadequate Veterinary Care:
There is a lack of adequate veterinary care across the country. This is also one of the major drawbacks of goat rearing.
- Some Areas Have Marketing Challenges:
In some areas, a good market is not always available. As a result, producers confront difficulties in marketing their goods. This is not a smart way to manage a prosperous goat farming operation.
Bottom Line:
These are the most typical drawbacks of goat rearing. Before making a decision, carefully consider both the disadvantages and benefits of goat farming.