In Recirculatory Aquaculture System (RAS), the water is recycled and resused, after the removal of waste materials. It is mainly used for high-density culture of various fish species. This technology will improve income and encourage small-scale farmers and women to take up fish culture in their household backyards.
The technological know-how, needed for this project will be provided by the National Centre for Aquatic Animal Health (NCAAH) and Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT), Kerala.
Most suitable fish species for backyard culture with RAS technology are Monosex, Tilapia, and Pangasius.
Assisstance for the project
The experts from NCAAH will help the farmers in setting up of fish tank, getting water testing kits, cages, pumps, aerators, filters etc. There is also a provision for subsidy under RAS technology:

S. No. |
Category of States |
Category of Beneficiary |
Subsidy (INR, in Lakhs) |
1. |
For General States |
General |
1.68 |
ST/SC/Women |
2.52 |
2. |
For North East and Hilly States |
General |
2.52 |
ST/SC/Women |
3.78 |
Details and cost of setting up of a RAS Unit
Cost of the Project
S. No. |
Project Component |
Cost (INR) |
1 |
Tank Construction |
1.00 Lakh |
2 |
Procurement and installation of pumps, filters, cages, aerators, water-testing kits |
4.60 Lakh |
3 |
Seed (4,500 fingerlings @ INR 6/piece |
27,000 |
4 |
Feed (28-30% protein content) |
72,000 |
5 |
Transportation |
6,000 |
6 |
Probiotics |
15,000 |
7 |
Electricity |
8,000 |
8 |
Others including service delivery |
12,000 |
Economics of the Project
S. No. |
Component |
Outcome |
1 |
Culture period/ cycle |
5-6 months |
2 |
Stocking |
1500 fish per cage |
3 |
Harvest size |
450g |
4 |
Expected Survival |
80% |
5 |
Expected yield per cycle |
540 kg per Cage |
6 |
Crops per year |
2 crops |
7 |
Total yield per unit per year |
3,240 kg |
8 |
Market price |
INR 130/kg |
9 |
Returns per year |
INR 4,21 lakh |
10 |
Profit in one year |
INR 1.36 lakh |
11 |
Income per month |
INR 11,300 |
Fishers, women and young entrepreneurs can avail more details from National Fisheries Development Board, by calling at 040-24000201/177.