What is Duck Farming?
As there are so many different duck breeds available around the world, duck farming is a very popular and profitable business idea. It is simple to raise them for meat and eggs. Ducks can be reared without the use of water. Yes, this is correct. Thousands of ducks may be reared without access to water by just keeping them inside the house, much like chickens or other poultry birds.
However, keep in mind that if you raise ducks without water, they will lay unfertilized eggs, which means you won't be able to hatch the eggs and produce ducklings. Male ducks and water, on the other hand, are required if you want viable eggs. Ducks require water for reproduction and mating.
Commercial Duck Farming:
You can simply start your commercial duck farming as it is very profitable & easy to manage the business. Ducks can feed and survive on agro-industrial wastes, marshy areas, swamps, & even in the regions where no agricultural crops can be grown.
How to start Duck Farming Business?
Take a note of these steps to make a Duck Farm:
1. Farm Size
To begin, one must establish the size of the farm, which is determined by the number of birds. Small farms with 6,000 ducks per batch to huge operations with 50,000 to 100,000 ducks per batch, commercial operations vary in size.
2. Selection of Breed
The second stage is to decide whether you want to raise ducks for eggs or for meat. The breed should then be chosen accordingly.
3. Capital Investment
Finally, calculate the capital investment and development costs for duck farming. It covers the cost of the house, the land, the cost of feeding, the cost of compliance, the cost of purchasing ducklings, and the cost of medicines.
4. Expert Advice
Remember to get professional advice on legal, financial, and commercial issues. It's a must if you're running a farm under a contract with a processing company.
What are the Advantages of Duck Farming?
Housing: Ducks require housing that is less expensive, basic, and uncomplicated. As a result, the costs of setting up a commercial duck farming enterprise are low.
Less Management: Ducks require less maintenance because they are sturdy birds. They are extremely adaptable and can adapt to practically any type of environmental condition.
You will get fresh eggs: Ducks do lay eggs at night and in the morning. Every morning, you can collect their fresh eggs while doing other tasks for the rest of the day.
Less Space: When compared to other poultry farm businesses, raising ducks requires less room. They also have a shorter brooding period and grow their ducklings faster. Surprisingly, they develop so quickly that you may give them artificial heat in just 5 to 7 days. During the winter, they will, however, require a slightly longer heating duration.
Duck Feeding: Ducks are relatively easy to feed and may be fed a wide variety of meals. Copra, cassava, corn, rice, fruits, and other low-cost items are part of their daily diet. Ducks also have a natural foraging preference for green legumes, algae, aquatic weeds, fungi, earthworms, maggots, snails, and other insects.
Ducks live longer than chickens as they have less mortality rate.
High Demand in the Market: Duck eggs and meat are in high demand both locally and internationally.
Profitable Business: Duck farming can provide a steady source of income. Many young, educated persons who are unemployed can join this firm and make good money.
6. Ducks Live Longer
Ducks live longer than chickens as they have less mortality rate.
7. High Demand in Market
Ducks' eggs and meat have a great demand in the local & international market.
8. Profitable Business
A duck farming business can be a stable employment source. Many young unemployed educated people can join this business & earn good money.
Is there money in duck farming?
Yes, the commercial duck farming company can be a profitable one. Duck eggs and meat are in high demand in both the domestic and international markets. There are a lot of successful farmers who make a lot of money from duck farming.
The potential income, however, varies based on the size of the operation, the contract price negotiated with the processor, and the number of batches produced per year.
(Also read: 10 Most Demanding And Profitable Livestock Farming Business Ideas Worldwide)