In the past few weeks, several states across India has witnessed a spurt in COVID-19 cases. To curb the spread of COVID 19, the Ministry of Home Affairs has issued a new set of guidelines for "Surveillance, Containment and Caution" effective from 1st December 2020.
Following Government advisories, Brooke India (BI) had devised robust procedures to help equine owning communities to cater for the needs of the working equines. A special Emergency Support Fund was created to support equine owners led Community Based Organisations (CBOs) across BI’s operational areas in 11 states.
During the lockdown period from April to June, the collective strength of these CBOs was harnessed to route the BI’s subsidised aid and relief to the equine owning community. In-kind relief support through subsidization of balanced feed supply, First Aid Kits (FAK), Tetanus vaccination and dewormers etc. provided to the equine owning families.
In the first phase (April to Sept) of BI’s COVID 19 Emergency Fund Response, subsidized aid worth Rs 13.5 lacs was given to the neediest and most vulnerable equine owning communities. The equine community led CBOs provided 58,404 kilograms (Kgs) of equine fodder, 55,049 Kgs of balanced feed, refilled/distributed 547 FAKs, administered Tetanus vaccination to 726 equines through BI trained Paravets linked with CBOs and provided dewormers to 268 needy equines. Overall, BI provided support to around 17,000 neediest equines & 6000 most vulnerable equine owners. In addition to this, BI provided capacity building virtual training to 280 CBOs leadership teams, to assist them to plan, design & deliver emergency response during such crises.
In the second phase of its COVID 19 Emergency Fund Support (EFS), which started from 1st October to present, BI expanded the scope of its activities. Two temporary animal shelters at a cost of Rs 64,000 were constructed in the Vadodara region under the Equine Welfare Project (EWP) thereby providing safe shelter to 68 working equines.
Similarly, under the BI’s EWP in Baharaich, Banda, Fatehpur, Pratapgarh, Lakhimpur, Kaushambi, Lucknow and Amritsar, EFS of around Rs 4 lacs was provided and the benefits were reaped by 722 working equines and 701 equine owners. This fund also assisted in the sustenance of 50 Equine Welfare Groups (EWGs- a form of self-help group). Through this initiative, BI also provided 13,301 Kgs of Balanced Feed to the community, supported the construction of four temporary equine shelters, and provided 20 FAKs.
The COVID 19 Emergency Support Fund has been extremely helpful during these uncertain times. The community and the equine owners have expressed their gratitude towards BI.