Animal husbandry is a part of agriculture that involves rearing, breeding, and raising animals for meat, fiber, eggs, milk, and other food items. It is the practice of managing and caring for animals with the goal of improving their genetic characteristics and behavior for profit. A large number of farmers depend upon animal husbandry as a source of income.
Animals supply us with a wide range of high-nutrient dietary items. As a result, they need good care and attention.
Meat-producing animals include chickens, ducks, oxen, goats, pigs, and others. We also have alternative sources of nutrients, which include marine species, in addition to these domestic animals. The nutrients in the seafood we consume are quite rich. They include a wide range of nutrients, including fat, protein, vitamins, and minerals.
The department of animal husbandry monitor animal care, breeding, administration, and so on. Animal husbandry is huge industry poultry, milk farms, apiculture, aquaculture, etc., are part of it.
Types of Animal Husbandry
Below we have mentioned different types of animal husbandry;
Dairy Farming
Dairy farming is an agricultural approach that involves the long-term production of milk, which is subsequently processed to produce dairy products such as curd, cheese, yogurt, butter, cream, and other dairy products. It also includes caring for dairy animals such as cows, buffaloes, sheep, and goats, among others. The animals are protected from illness and assessed by veterinary doctors on a regular basis.
Poultry Farming
Poultry farming is involved with the commercial rearing and breeding of birds. Ducks, turkeys, geese, pigeons, chickens, and other domesticated birds are raised for meat and egg.
To receive nutritious food from animals, it is critical to take care of them and keep them in a disease-free environment. Eggs and meat are rich sources of protein.
Fish Farming
Fish farming is the technique of commercially rearing fish in controlled tanks or ponds. At present, fish and fish protein are in huge demand. Fish farmers generally rear salmon, catfish, cod, and tilapia, among other species.
Bee Keeping
Bee farming, also known as apiculture, it is the practice of humans keeping bee colonies in man-made hives. Honey bees are mass-produced in vast quantities. Bees have been tamed for honey, wax, and flower pollination. Other beekeepers also use them for the same objectives. An apiary, often known as a bee yard is a facility where bees are maintained.
Advantages of Animal Husbandry
Animal husbandry aids in the correct management of domestic animals by providing adequate food, housing, and disease protection.
It creates jobs for a huge number of farmers, consequently raising their living conditions.
By cross-breeding, it aids in the development of high-yielding animal breeds. This boosts the production of a variety of foods like milk, eggs, and meat.
It involves proper animal waste disposal and supports a healthy environment.
It involves the proper disposal of animal waste and promotes a healthy environment.