Profitable Business Idea: The Central & State governments are promoting organic farming. To carry forward this campaign of the government, the farmers have also become conscious and are coming forward to increase the fertility of the land.
Farmers are choosing to vermicompost for several reasons. Some need an environmentally-beneficial alternative for fertilizers. Others want to produce vermicompost to increase their crop yields and reduce their use of fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides. And some farmers choose vermicomposting to increase their income from sales of earthworms or vermicompost.
Similarly, a farmer from village Nangal Mundi in Rewari, Haryana has been preparing earthworm manure (vermicompost) for organic farming and sending it to many states of the country for the last two years. Not just that he is also giving training to the farmers of different states .
Kuljeet Yadav earns one to one and a half lakh rupees every month.
Yadav says that due to the indiscriminate use of urea has led to reduced fertility of the land which in turn reduces yield and also affect the health of the people. However, these effects of using too many chemicals for farming can be gradually reversed by organic farming.
In addition to preparing vermicompost for organic farming, Yadav also manufactures organic insecticides, which increase crop yields and helps to get rid of problems like crop diseases and flower loss. To make it, a liquid spray is prepared by mixing 35 types of herbs including neem, datura, caner, evergreen, aloe vera, tobacco, red or green chilli, and castor leaves.
Spraying of insecticide made by this indigenous method on the crop, gets rid of all kinds of diseases in plants and also gets rid of problems like bloom fall off. A bottle of liquid mixed with 30 liters of water and sprayed in one acre of crop is effective in increasing the production as well as stopping the fall of flowers.