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Read to Know about Plant Root Issues and How to Fix them

Root problems in plants and trees is one of the routine problems faced by the growers. Root problems can happen because of water unavailability or overwatering. Another issue might be with depth of plantation. Take care of root rot by keeping the roots moist but not too moist.

Chintu Das

Root problems in plants and trees are one of the routine problems faced by the growers. If a problem in a plant is not visible to naked eyes, mostly it is related to the roots. Problems can range between the simplest to very complex diseases such as root rot etc.

Plant root issues need to be rectified early for the plant to survive. Roots perform numerous crucial capacities. They take up water, oxygen, and supplements from the soil. At the point when roots are harmed or unhealthy, they tend to stop working appropriately which undoubtedly can kill a plant.

Diagnosis of the problem:

To start diagnosing root issues with your plants, start with the least complex clarification first i.e. water.

- Water Unavailability:

Plants grown in pots or containers might be planted in soilless potting mix, making movement of water hard to and from the root ball. Additionally, these plants may become root bound making it hard for the plant to take up water, it for the most part just runs out.

Recently planted trees, bushes, and plants frequently need water at the time of planting as well as for a few more months afterwards. The roots need complete moisture in their initial days until they can dive in further to look for dampness on their own.

One problem might be unavailability of water. You can always check for water level by the use of a water meter in the case of plants in a pot or container. However, use a shovel to check for moisture in case of garden plants.

- Over Watering:

Similarly, wet soil can also cause major issues with the plant’s roots. Excessively wet soil will be sloppy or muddy and can lead to root rot; a disease that affects the roots of a plant or a tree. Regularly, the underlying indications of root decay are shriveled plants with chlorosis. Root rots produces fungi that incline towards wet conditions.

In order to cure root rot, you have to start with the reduction in the moisture level of the soil. Simple thumb rule that you can follow is to give 2 to 3 cm of water every week partly depending on weather conditions also. If you find the soil too excessively wet, then get rid of any mulch surrounding the plant. Additionally you can use fungicides to cure root rot but only if the plant is already affected.

- Planted too deep or too shallow:

Both planting too deep or too shallow has problems associated with them. The roots should not be exposed above the ground but that does not mean that it should be too far inside the soil. The absorbing part of the roots should be there in the top foot (three to four inches) of the soil for adequate absorption of oxygen and other nutrients.

To check, dig with the help of a shovel around the base area of a plant or tree. Firstly, the root ball should be under the top of the soil. Secondly, if the depth is more than two to three inches beneath the soil, then your plant is buried too deep.

- Roots are damaged manually:

Large scale digging can lead to damaged roots. Some cases of building sewage routes or wire way inside the soil can damage the major roots of a tree and with time, the tree will eventually die.

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