Ginger is one of the most important spices in India. India is the largest producer of dry ginger in the world. It is about 0.683 million tons. 1/3rd of the production of the ginger in the country is exported. Kerala is the largest producer of ginger accounting for more than 33% of the total country’s production.
In this article we will tell you as to how you can make your own ginger at home. So, let’s start;
Dry ginger:
Fully developed rhizomes are harvested after 8 months of planting for preparation of dry ginger. Remove the roots & leaves. Wash the rhizomes.
1. Soaking in water:The rhizomes are soaked overnight in cement water tubs for easy removal of skin.
2. Trampling:The rhizomes are trampled under feet in the tub. Avoid damage to epidermal cells containing flavoring oil.
3. Peeling:The skin is peeled off, with sharp bamboo knives. Don’t rupture epidermal cells. This step hastens drying process.
4. Washing & Drying:The peeled rhizomes are washed & sundried for 3-4 days on cement floor.
5. Polishing:After drying the rhizomes are polished by rubbing with a coarse cloth to remove all bits of skin or dirt. These are called unbleached ginger.
To get bleached ginger, peeled rhizomes are soaked in 2% lime water for 6 hours or fumigated with Sulphur for 12 hours.
Dried ginger can be ground & used directly as a spice & also for the extraction of ginger oil & ginger oleoresin.
Yield: 16-25% of fresh ginger
Preserved Ginger: Ginger is harvested at 7 months after planted for preparing the preserved ginger. It is preserved in syrup or brine.
Brine solution: High concentration solution of salt in water. (5-8% salt by weight)
Benefits of Ginger:
1. Weight Loss
2. Lowers Cholesterol
3. Improves Digestion
4. Reduces Menstrual Pain
5. Avoids Nausea & Morning Sickness
6. Lowers Blood Sugar
7. Reduces Inflammation