The oyster plant (Tradescantia spathacea) is a popular, eye-catching houseplant that can also be grown outside in warm climates (or brought outside over the summer in cooler climates). It has long, lance-shaped, glossy, dark green leaves with purple undersides; small white or pink flowers that resemble spiderwort blooms; and a lovely rosette form.
Within the species, there is colour variation in the foliage, with some leaves showing variegation and others being solid. This plant grows quickly and should be planted in the early spring.
Scientific Name: Tradescantia spathacea
Common Names: Boat lily, oyster plant, Moses-in-the-cradle
Plant Type: Herbaceous, perennial
Native Areas: Central America
Oyster Plant Care:
The oyster plant is generally simple to maintain. It also grows well in containers, making it an excellent choice for those who are new to growing houseplants. It has no serious pest or disease problems, but you should keep an eye out for common plant pests like mealybugs, scale, whiteflies, and spider mites. It also doesn't require any special pruning; simply remove any dead leaves as they appear to maintain a tidy appearance.
Oyster plants prefer consistent temperature, so keep them away from draughty windows and doors, as well as heating and cooling systems. They don't require much water, but they shouldn't be allowed to completely dry out.
Bright, indirect light is ideal for the oyster plant. It can grow in full sun, but it will need some shade in the afternoon. It can also grow in the shade, but the foliage will be duller and the plant will become leggy.
These plants prefer a fairly rich, well-draining soil with a pH that ranges from slightly acidic to neutral. Sandy loam is ideal, but rocky soil will suffice. A standard houseplant potting mix should suffice for container plants.
Oyster plants are drought-tolerant once established, so they don't mind being watered infrequently. Overwatering, on the other hand, can cause a plant to rot and die. Water whenever the top 2 inches of soil feel dry from spring to fall. Reduce watering during the winter months when the plant is dormant. Watering every two weeks should suffice for the time being.
Humidity and temperature
Temperatures ranging from 55 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit are ideal for oyster plants. If there is a chance of frost, bring them inside. Because these plants are tropical, they require humidity to keep their leaves healthy. Placing a tray of water and pebbles beneath the plant's container is the simplest way to provide this. As long as there is adequate light, placing the plant in your bathroom is also a good way to provide humidity. You could also use an electric humidifier.
Fertilizing an oyster plant isn't always necessary, but it can promote healthy growth. You should only use a houseplant fertilizer during the growing season. Too much fertilizer, on the other hand, can cause the leaf tips to brown. If this occurs, thoroughly water the soil to flush it out.
Oyster Plant Varieties:
There are several types of oyster plants, each with a unique appearance, such as:
Tradescantia spathacea 'Vittata': This cultivar is distinguished by its yellow and green striped foliage.
Tradescantia spathacea 'Stripe-Me-Pink': This cultivar has green, cream, and pink striped foliage.
'Sitara's Gold' Tradescantia spathacea: This cultivar has copper-gold leaves with burgundy undersides.
Propagating Oyster Plants:
New plant shoots appear around the base of the main plant of the oyster plant. These can be propagated and grown into new plants. It's best to propagate them when they're at least 4 inches tall. At this point, you can gently pull them away from the main plant's root system, retaining as many roots as possible, and pot them in a separate container.
Potting & Repotting Oyster Plants:
Oyster plants should be planted in a container that is slightly larger than their root ball. There should be plenty of drainage holes in the container. These plants' root systems can become quite dense, necessitating repotting every two years or so. Repot the plant in a slightly larger container with a new potting mix. After transplanting, give it plenty of water, then return to your normal watering schedule.