Like most cultivators, when you're arranging your vegetable nursery, you'll presumably need to incorporate capsicum or bell peppers. Bell peppers are plentiful in Vitamin A and C, and help support your body immunity. They are additionally high in fiber, iron and folate, and are low on calorie count.
How to growCapsicum
There is no need to buy capsicum seeds from the market, just save half a part of the vegetable that you bought for eating purposes. Shake a few of the seeds to fall off from the half piece. Once done, fill the capsicum with soil and plant it in a pot .
You can go for a small pot for growing a single plant or a large container for multiple plants, but the depth has to be at least 10 to 12 inches. While planting the half piece, put a soil layer of half inch above it.
Once planted, you should water the plant in order to maintain moisture and eventually the seeds will germinate in the next few weeks.
How to take care of the plant:
In the early days before germination, the plant can be kept indoors with little availability of sunlight. However, once the germination happens, you need to move the pot to a more open space like terrace or balcony where there is good availability of sunlight.
The plant requires humid and damp conditions and furthermore needs a decent measure of moisture in the soil. The placement of the pot has to happen in such a way that the pot does not receive extreme sunlight along with adequate watering that adds up to good amounts of moisture in the soil.
Once the plant starts growing, it will go through the normal process of flowering and fruiting like any other plants. It takes nearly 45 to 60 days to get the bell peppers.
Pest and Insect Control:
In case of any pest and insect infestation, a free of toxin solution will be enough to handle the situation. Add one tablespoon each of soap powder, neem oil and mix both them in one liter of water. Spray the final solution once every week for best results.
Homemade Manure:
Add cow dung or any other organic waste you accumulate in your kitchen for manure. Organic waste can comprise vegetable and fruit peel, water that you used to wash rice before cooking etc. Adding these particulars into the soil improves soil quality and provides all the needed nutrients to the plants.
Most of the plants bear nearly 4 to 5 capsicum at a time. You can start harvesting once the capsicum reaches a length of 3 to 4 inches and develops a firm texture.