Your plants require nutrients just as much as you do to survive and grow. However, while grown hydroponically, they cannot actively absorb nutrients - you must provide them. Finding the right hydroponic fertilizers from the beginning is a tough task. Understand that there are numerous Hydroponics nutrition packages in the market.
In this article, we are going to tell you certain criteria and factors that will assist in selecting the best suitable nutrient medium for your hydroponic Farm.
Here are some essential questions to ask when purchasing hydroponic nutrients.
Convenient or effective
If ease of use and cost are your primary considerations, the 1-part Hydroponic liquid seems to be an excellent alternative. There is no need to pre-mix. There is no need to be concerned about different plant varieties or stages of growth.
However, it comes with the trade-off of not allowing plants to reach their maximum development potential. It is not an effective solution for all types of plants. And it's for this reason that it is not a good option for most hydroponic farmers.
If you choose a good solution, you will need to purchase a three-part nutrient package. However, by adjusting the mix to fit different plants, you will sacrifice convenience for nutrient control.
Powder or Liquid
Because they are well premixed and incredibly easy to deal with, liquid nutrients are quite popular among newcomers and hobbyists. However, they are more pricey.
Powder or dry forms are less expensive than liquid forms since they do not include water. They have a longer shelf life as well.
Powder nutrients are frequently utilized in big commercial greenhouses because they are substantially more cost-effective when applied in large quantities.
Synthetic or Organic
Some growers choose an organic approach to their Hydroponic system.
However, while organic products appear to be the best for the environment and your health while dealing with the systems, they swap with their solubility problem and the smells.
Furthermore, the vast majority of Hydroponic nutrients on the market are not organic. They can only be considered organic if you buy the organic forms directly, such as blood meal, fishbone, and so on.
Made for Hydroponic Nutrients or All Purpose products
Don't believe any multi-purpose fertilisers that claim to operate in any soil or hydroponic setup. Purchase Hydroponics-specific products for the best results.