Coastal regions offer a unique opportunity for cultivating a diverse array of vegetables. With their mild climates and access to seawater, these areas can nurture crops like tomatoes, kale, and leeks, making them a haven for fresh and flavourful produce.
Root Crops:
Root crops like carrots, beets, and radishes do well in coastal areas' climates. Carrots need regular watering and grow better in looser soils. Beets, including varieties like 'Cylindra' and 'Touchstone Gold,' may need boron supplementation due to soil deficiencies. Radishes are also a good choice but consider the specific requirements.
Brassica Family:
Start broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, kohlrabi, and Brussels sprouts indoors, then transplant them after the last frost. Choose varieties suited to coastal regions and climate.
Lettuce and Greens:
Lettuce comes in various varieties that resist bolting and tip burn. Spinach, chard, arugula, and other greens have their own characteristics. Consult catalogs for exotic greens. Use a cloche if you're close to the ocean or in a windy location.
Onions, Leeks, and Shallots:
Start these from seeds for the best results. Consider varieties like 'Expression' and 'King Richard' for onions, 'Conservor' for shallots, and 'Lincoln' for leeks.
Fingerling, yellow flesh, blue flesh, and white flesh potatoes all thrive in coastal climates. Look for these varieties.
Oregon-developed varieties like 'Oregon Sugar Pod II' and 'Cascadia' are disease-resistant and suitable for bush-style peas.
Green Beans:
Bush and pole bean varieties like 'Jade,' 'Derby,' 'Fortex,' and 'Helda' are ideal for coastal region.
Summer squash and winter squash varieties are available. Choose shorter-maturing types for coastal areas and 'Honey Bear' for protection near the ocean.
Cucumbers need warmth and protection, with some varieties not requiring pollination. Consider parthenocarpic types like 'Sweet Success' and 'Diva.'
Select tomato varieties that suit coastal climates, with a preference for early-ripening options. Use protection and ensure good nutrition and watering.
Peppers need substantial protection, sun, and heat. Hot pepper varieties tend to ripen better than sweet ones. Choose short-season, early-maturing sweet peppers.
Perennial Vegetables:
Artichokes require space, sun, well-drained soil, and protection from cold winters. Be vigilant against aphids and earwigs. Asparagus needs protection from slugs and two to three years to mature. Jerusalem artichokes are easy to grow but invasive. Harvest in the fall.
Odds, Ends, and Slightly Fussy Vegetables:
Grow celery with high nitrogen and ample water, using protection against slugs. Bulb fennel varieties 'Orion' and 'Orazio' are straightforward. Corn requires a long, warm season, so choose early varieties. Tomatillos have growth habits similar to tomatoes. Eggplant needs a sunny, warm spot with heat.