Many plants are prone to fungal diseases, root rot, stem rot, and stunted growth because of wet soggy soil. This is because the roots require oxygen to breathe and absorb nutrients from the soil. Perpetually soggy soil could be a result of overwatering, non-draining soil, and constant rain. While many plant lovers that live in such conditions can grow plants indoors or inside a greenhouse. However, there are certain varieties of food crops that are specifically built to withstand such conditions.
Let’s take a look at some vegetables and fruits that can be grown in wet soils.
Cauliflower- Cauliflower is a nutrient-dense and low in calories vegetable that can be grown in wet soil. It is an extremely healthy vegetable that helps lose weight as it is high in fibre, has low calories, and is mostly made up of water.
Water mint- Water mint is native to the regions of Europe, Southwest Asia, and North Africa. It is the perfect herb to grow in moist soils as it can tolerate mild floods and can even survive in standing water. Water mint has a slightly more acidic taste than normal mint and aside from its culinary uses, the oil extracted from its leaves can also be used to keep away pests.
Figs- A fig is a fruit that is about the size of a thumb and is filled with hundreds of tiny seeds. It has a mild sweet taste and has several health benefits. Fig plants tend to thrive in humid weather conditions and wet soils. However, the plant cannot tolerate extended waterlogging conditions. Figs are a low-calorie snack that is rich in copper, magnesium, potassium, thiamine, riboflavin, and vitamins K and B6.
Black chokeberry- Black chokeberry or Aronia berry is dubbed by many nutritionists as a superfruit because of its high antioxidant and fibre content. These berries are also an excellent source of vitamin C, folate, manganese, vitamin K, iron, and vitamins A and E. And are usually used to make syrups, teas, wines, jams, and jellies. This plant thrives in acidic and wet soil.
Water spinach- Water spinach is a variety of spinach that thrives in waterlogged soils and can even survive in standing water. Its roots can aid in wastewater filtration and reduce soil erosion along the banks of ponds, streams, and lakes. Water spinach is low in calories and fat. It has virtually no cholesterol and is a source of protein, potassium, fibre, and sodium.
Asparagus- Asparagus is a perennial flowering plant species whose young shoots are used as spring vegetables. This common garden variety crop can withstand wet soil conditions, however, only for a short period of time.
Persimmons- Persimmons are orange-coloured fruits that are native to the country of China. They can withstand heavy moisture conditions but cannot tolerate prolonged drowning. Persimmons are loaded with nutrients such as vitamins A, C, E, K, and B6, potassium, copper, riboflavin, and manganese.
Cabbage- Cabbage is a vegetable that is widely cultivated around the world. It is a vegetable native to Europe that can occasionally tolerate wet soil. While this crop requires a lot of water, however, stagnation can lead to root rot and even damage its leaves. Cabbage is low in calories but has a high fibre and water content. It is also a rich source of vitamins C, K, A, and B6, along with folate magnesium, iron, riboflavin, calcium, and potassium.
Rhubarb- Rhubarb is a vegetable that has distinct red stalks. It has a sour taste but is often cooked down and sweetened. In many Asian countries, this vegetable is used for medicinal purposes. It is a rich source of calcium, potassium, vitamin C, folate, and fibre. This plant can thrive in heavy moisture and water-logged soils.