The sowing of rabi crops is still going on with full swing across the country. However, to protect the crops from economic losses due to natural calamities, it is necessary for the farmers to insure their crops.
Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojna ensures protection against crop loss during activities related to the entire crop cycle from sowing to post harvest. This scheme provides comprehensive risk cover to protect crops from adverse weather such as drought, flood, pests, hailstorms, and for any natural calamities.
Under the Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojna Rabi 2020-21, the nomination process has been started to protect the rabi crops from adverse situations and calamities.
In many states, farmers can insure till 15 December 2020. Under the PMFBY, indebted and non-indebted farmers who are landholders and sharecroppers can register.
Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana 2020: How Non-Indebted Farmers can register?
All non-indebted farmers who are notified crop growers, and are willing to join the scheme, can join by getting the sowing confirmation certificate verified by the Regional Patwari or Rural Agricultural Extension Officer and by submitting other documents. Under this scheme, 1.5% farmer premium amount is prescribed for rabi crops. Farmers who have not taken any type of loan, can insure through Kisan Bank, Cooperative Society and Public Service Center by submitting the documents including, insurance offer form, aadhar card, bank passbook, B-1 five-year land ownership evidence or tenant or partner farmer document and a declaration form.
Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana 2020: How Indebted Farmers can Register?
Indebted farmers can get crop insurance on voluntary basis. Farmers must submit the signed declaration in the prescribed form, 7 days before the last date of insurance, to the concerned bank. Short-term agricultural loans sanctioned or renewed by the concerned bank for the respective seasons are compulsorily insured.
Under this insurance scheme, indebted farmers will be compulsorily insured by the bank, cooperative society, they only have to submit declaration and sowing certificate.
How to Apply for Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana 2020?
Any farmer who wants to enrol under PMFBY, can enroll through his / her nearest bank, Primary Agricultural Credit Society, Common Service Center (CSC) / Village Level Entrepreneurs (VLEs), Office of Agriculture Department, representative of insurance company or can apply directly on National Crop Scheme portal, www.pmfby.gov.in and through PMFBY app https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=in.farmguide.farmerapp.central
For any other information, farmers can call on Central Government toll-free number 18001801551. For more information like this, stay connected and keep visiting…!!L