Fruit should be an important part of our daily diet. They are naturally good and contain vitamins and minerals that can help to keep us healthy. They also help protect against some diseases.
In Himachal Pradesh, various fruit crops are grown. Apple is so far the most important fruit crop of the state, constituting around 49 percent of the total area under fruit crops and about 85 per cent of the total fruit production. But, due to climate change the farmers are shifting to cultivation of various other crops like pomegranate etc.
ICAR has provided crop advisory amid this lock-down for the farmers of the state, so that they can enhance their production. The various advisories for monsoon season are as follows:

Advisory for increasing Apple production
- After fruit setting apply second dose of nitrogen in form of calcium nitrate @ 300 g/tree
- For control of powdery mildew spray hexaconazole @ 0.5 ml/L at petal fall stage.
- Spray Difenoconazole @ 40ml/200 L for control of scab disease
- Spray 100g carbendazim or 600g mancozeb in 200L of water after hailstorms.
- Spray boric acid 200g + zinc sulphate 500g + 250g quick lime in 200 L of water, after 3-4 days of hail stroming
- After 10-12 days, spray micro nutrients like Agrominor Multiplex 400-600 g/200 L of water
- At walnut size spray magister 50ml or omite200ml in 200L for control of mites
- Keep sufficient moisture in the tree basin to avoid dropping
Advisory for increasing Peach and Plum production
- Spray metasystoximl and blitox 3g/L of water, for controlling leaf curling caused due to insect and fungus
- For management of gummosis, spray streptocycline20g + blitox 600g/ 200 L of water

Advisory for increasing Mango production
- Spray planofix@ 20ml/100L at pea stage of fruits for controlling fruit drop in mango
- Keep sufficient moisture in orchard
- Spray bavistin@ 100g/200L of water to control powdery mildew and die back diseases
Advisory for increasing Litchi production
- Maintain sufficient moisture during May-June to prevent fruit cracking
- Mulching with grass around tree basin is helpful for moisture conservation
Advisory for increasing Guava Production
- Spray zinc sulphate 2Kg + Lime 1 Kg in 200 L of water to control die back of branches due to deficiency of Zn
- During june, spray malathion 2ml + 10g jiggery/L of water to control fruit flies. Repeat the spray after 15-20 days
- Install palam traps @ 2/bigha land
Advisory for increasing Citrus production
- Spray blitox @ 600g/200L of water during June-July, to control gummosis
- Spray zinc sulphate 1Kg + Lime 500g in 200L of water to control Zn deficiency during last week of April and mid of September
Advisory for increasing Pomegranate production
- Spray cypermethrin 10EC (100ml/100L of water) during 1stweek of May to control Anar butterfly attack. After 15-20 days, spray quinalphos 200ml/100L
- Spray multiplex @ 250 g of water for control of micronutrient deficiency
- For management of fruit spot/ rot, spray companion or saaf @ 500g/ 200L of water in 2ndweek of June
- Spray COC 400g + streptocycline 20g/200L of water, in first week of July for control of bacterial spot
Fruit crops require great care and timely implementation of important management practices. Amid this lockdown, the farmers are facing various challenges in getting updates about various improved practices, thus agri-journalists are in the forefront for keeping the farming community updated.
(Source: ICAR)
Key words – Apple production, fruit production in Himachal Pradesh, Pomegranate in Himachal Pradesh