Solar Pump Kusum Yojana Maharashtra 2021: The State Government of Maharashtra launched a scheme to provide a Solar Irrigation Pump to state farmers in order to promote solar energy. Under this scheme, the government provides farmers with a 95 percent subsidy for installing solar pumps in their fields for irrigation purposes.
MSEDCL Solar Pump Scheme Application Form and Registration process is given below. Farmers, who want to know more about Maharashtra Mukhyamantri Saur Krushi Pump Yojana can have a look.
Benefits of Mukhyamantri Saur Krushi Pump Yojana Maharashtra
The state government provides solar pumps to state farmers with a 95% subsidy through the Maharashtra Solar Pump Yojana.
To combat pollution, the Maharashtra government plans to replace diesel pumps with solar pumps.
This strategy will also reduce the subsidy burden on electricity bills.
The Maharashtra government would distribute 25,000 sun pumps in the first phase of the Atal Solar Agriculture Pump Scheme, 50,000 solar pumps in the second phase, and 25,000 solar pumps in the third phase to farmers to meet their irrigation demands.
Eligibility Criteria of Solar Pump Yojana Maharashtra 2021
Farmers who want to apply under the Mukhyamantri Solar Pump Scheme must have their own agricultural land & permanent residence in Maharashtra state.
Farmers, who have their own agricultural electricity connection, they will not be allowed in this scheme.
All the subsidies under the Maharashtra Solar Krishi Pump Yojana will be directly transferred to the beneficiary's accounts.
The Solar Water Pumps will be provided only for irrigation purposes under this scheme.
Online Registration for Kusum Solar Pump Yojana Maharashtra 2021
First of all, the farmers have to open an official website via: https://www.mahadiscom.in/
From the home page, go to the ‘Beneficiary Services’ & click on ‘Apply online’.
Select the ‘New Consumer’ option.
Now MSEDCL Solar Pump Scheme Application form will be open on your computer screen.
In this application, fill all the details such as, Paid Pending AG Connection Consumer Details, Nearest MSEDCL Consumer Number (where the pump needs to be installed), Details of the Applicant & Location, Details of Applicant Residential Address & Location, etc.
In the end, click on the ‘Submit’ button.
The government also intends to cover these rural places where Agriculture Electricity feeders are not yet available under this scheme.
Farmers with less than 5 acres of agricultural land will receive a subsidy of 95% of the total cost of a 3 HP solar pump set, while farmers with more than 5 acres of land will receive 5 HP solar pumps for Rs.30,000.
How to Check Application Status Online
To check the Mukhyamantri Solar Pump Yojana Application Status, firstly, the farmers have to open the official website via: https://www.mahadiscom.in/
From the home page, go to the ‘Beneficiary Services’ & click on ‘Application Status Option’.
Enter your ‘Beneficiary ID’
At last, click on the ‘Search’ button to check the status.
The Maharashtra Mukhyamantri Atal Saur Krushi Pump Yojana 2021: Saur Krushi Pump Yojana Maharashtra Online, Solar Pump Yojana Maharashtra, Mukhyamantri Solar Panel Yojana Maharashtra 2021, MSEDCL Solar Pump Scheme Application Form, Registration and Benefits are available at the official website: https://www.mahadiscom.in/
Besides Kusum Yojana, there are many other government schemes for farmers.