The government is looking for ways not just to help farmers but also fishermen in the country. Hence it has extended the benefit of the Kisan Credit Card (KCC) to the fish farmers in India.
Now like the Annadatta’s, fish farmers will be able to increase their business by taking a loan through KCC. In order to get KCC, fishermen can go to their nearest bank and apply for it.
Only about 58 percent of Farmers taking benefit of KCC:
Let me tell you that even after so many years of the launch of the Kisan Credit Card scheme that aims to provide loans at low rates, all the farmers of the country have not yet registered.
As per data, only about 58 percent of farmers have been taking advantage of Kisan credit cards. Whereas 42 percent of farmers are out of this scheme and still take loans from moneylenders at huge interest rates.
Now the government wants livestock/dairy farmers and fish farmers to avail themselves of the benefit of the Kisan Credit Card. With KCC, fish farmers will get loans at a cheap rate of interest. The interest rate for loans up to Rs 3 lakh taken on KCC is, by the way, 9 percent. But the government gives a subsidy of 2% in this. In this way, it comes to 7 percent. But on timely return, there is a further discount of 3%. In this way, its rate remains only 4 percent for honest farmers.
These Fish Farmers can take KCC:
Kisan Credit Card Inland fisheries and aquaculture fishermen
Fish Farmers (individual and group / partner / crop / tenant farmers)
Self-Help Groups, Joint Liability Groups, and Women Groups.
Eligibility for Fish Farmers to Apply for KCC:
Any person associated with farming, Pisciculture, and animal husbandry, even if he cultivates on someone else's land, can take advantage of this.
To apply for Kisan Credit Card, the age of the beneficiary should be between 18-75 years.
If the age of the farmer is more than 60 years then a co-applicant will also be required.
If the age of the farmer is less than 60, the bank employee will check the eligibility of that farmer whether he is eligible for it or not.
Fish farming beneficiaries should have the necessary licenses for fish farming and fishing-related activities like ponds, tanks, open water bodies, raceways, hatcheries, rearing units.
He/ She must be the owner of any one of the fisheries-related activities as any other state-specific fisheries and allied activities.
How to Get Kisan Credit Card:
You have to go to the website of the bank from which you want to make a credit card and go to the Kisan Credit Card section of that bank. Download the application form and take a printout. Fill this form carefully.
Submit the farmer application and required documents to the nearest bank branch. The loan officer will share the required information with the applicant. After this, the card will be dispatched as soon as the loan amount (limit) is approved.
Government Grants for Fish Farming:
The government is also providing grants to farmers to open fish farming businesses. Under the Matsya Sampada Yojana, there is a provision to give different grants according to the category. Under the scheme, a subsidy of up to 30 percent of the cost amount and up to 25 percent for other categories will be given to women belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, and all categories. A bank loan can be given to the beneficiary up to 60 percent of the cost amount and the remaining 10 to 15 percent amount has to be invested by the beneficiary.