To encourage farmers to enroll for crop insurance, the Kerala Agriculture Department is hosting a two-week campaign.
Crop Insurance Day will start on July 1 and continue until July 15. The two-week campaign will be undertaken at the panchayat level, according to the Department.
Farmers can apply for coverage and acquire their policies online at www.aims.kerala.gov.in, rather than visiting Krishi Bhavans, given the COVID-19 scenario in the State.
Besides the state-run crop insurance program, farmers can take advantage of two other programs run by the central government in collaboration with the state.
The Restructured State Crop Insurance Scheme covers twenty-seven crops. Drought, flood, landslides, and mudslides, earthquake, marine erosion, cyclone, lightning, wildfire, and damage caused by wild animals are all covered under the schemes.
The compensation sum has been increased by two to twelve times under the revised scheme, according to the Department. Farmers can also apply for the Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) and the Restructured Weather-based Crop Insurance Scheme.
The deadline to enroll in each of these schemes is July 31, according to the department. Farmers can apply for the program by contacting Akshaya Centres, Janasevana Kendrams, Krishi Bhavans, primary cooperatives, and banks that have provided agricultural loans.
PMFBY has been notified for the paddy crop in Alappuzha, Kottayam, and Pathanamthitta, as well as banana and tapioca in all districts. The revised weather-based crop insurance policy covers crop loss due to natural calamities.