As beneficial as it is to prepare nutrient-rich matter from kitchen waste, it also has its drawbacks, such as unpleasant odours, slimy ingredients, and the organic matter decomposition process. IIT-Kanpur alumni have developed a much-needed solution to this problem.
BHOOMI, which stands for Bio-composting of Horticulture and Organic Waste into Manure Indigenously, is an automatic composter that converts organic waste in less than 20 days, making it efficient and quick composting solution.
"This is a metal machine researched and developed with support from Engineers India Limited, and equipped with a built-in shredder, waste mixer, aerator, and temperature and humidity controller," says Hari Shankar, founder of startup Agnys Waste Management Pvt. Ltd, a SIIC IIT Kanpur-incubated company that built the device.
"My research work at IIT included working on waste management and composting," says Patna-based innovator. “I learned about a variety of issues that people face when turning waste into compost and decided to bring a solution to address them."
Cheaper & Better
"To use the machine, one must place organic waste in the hopper and cover the lid," Hari explains. “The organic matter is reduced to a fine and uniform mix by the built-in shredder. The fine waste is then deposited in the main composting tank, where the machine sprays a special bacterial solution to start the decomposition process."
The mixer and air pumps installed in the unit, according to the 26-year-old, ventilate and aid the aerobic process. The increase in airflow hastens the deterioration. The mixture is allowed to sit while temperature and humidity control sensors are used to monitor it.
Furthermore, the carbon filter and a bottom tap to release leachate ensure that the process occurs without omitting foul odours.
"When the temperature stabilizes, it means the compost is ready," he adds.
Hari explains that the entire process can be completed manually as well as through automation. “A leg pump is provided to aerate the tank and aid in decomposition." "However, a solar panel or an electricity connection can do the same job of shredding, mixing, and aerating on its own," he says, adding that "the process runs for 15 minutes on electricity."
The startup provides a variety of models for both domestic and commercial use. "The smallest unit can fit inside a balcony and can meet the needs of a family of four for around Rs 25,000." "A large unit that can process organic waste from 100 flats costs around Rs 8 lakh," he says, adding that the device is up to 30% cheaper than others on the market.
Hari points out that decentralized composting can be installed in any bulk-generating entity, including housing societies, hostels, hotels, and public institutions. "The design is ergonomic, and even a layperson can use it." "All you have to do is put the organic waste into the machine, and the rest of the process will take care of itself," he says.