Hukumchand Patidar interprets the biblical adage "reaping what you sow" in a whole new light. After school dropout in Class 10 to work on farms, the farmer from Rajasthan's Jhalawar is now rubbing shoulders with scientists and experts in a committee assigned with establishing the organic farming curricula for India's agricultural institutions.
Patidar, who was awarded the Padma Shri in 2018 for his endeavors in transforming his native village of Manipura into a completely chemical-free farm patch, has been appointed to the Indian Council for Agriculture Research's national curriculum committee due to his knowledge and experience in growing organic oranges, pulses, onion, coriander, and fennel. The majority of his farm produce is exported to Europe.
"Several measures have been implemented over the years to improve the carbon cycle on my farmland. As a result, the land conditions have become more favorable for the growth of microorganisms and insects, which are essential to make the soil productive" Patidar said.
"I usually recommend utilizing panchgavya, or the five elements generated from cows, to feed the soil and improve agricultural yield."
Patidar has a clear concept of how he can contribute value to what his fellow committee members say should go into the curriculum as a consultant to Rajasthan's four agricultural universities on the topic of organic farming. "Only agricultural universities provide BSc, MSc, and Ph.D. programs in horticulture and agriculture. Natural and cow dung-related agriculture, a subject I'm working on, will be taught at school, institutions, and universities "He stated.
Patidar is unconcerned with the fact that he is the sole committee member without a graduate degree. "Everything I know about traditional farming I learned from ancient writings and manuscripts. I'll tell my panel colleagues about it "He stated. The panel will present its report in two months.