Do you want to grow chemical-free food but lack the necessary space? Egmore-based Rahul Dhoka’s unique terrace is all the inspiration you will need to don an urban farmer’s hat! In a small 80-square-foot facility, the 31-year-old founder of Green Rush Organics and hydroponic farming consultant Acqua Farms nurtures over 6,000 plants!
This is all because of the knowledge he gained over the last two years of the cutting-edge hydroponic gardening technique. He plants everything from exotic Italian basil to carom (ajwain), mint, spinach, lettuce, kale, and a variety of other leafy greens and herbs in PVC pipe planters.
In 2010, Rahul chose to return to India after working in UK, Ranbaxy (pharmaceutical company) and establish his own business after realizing he wanted to do more than his 9-to-5 desk job.
Vertical Farming In Limited Space Attracted Rahul’s Interest
He knew organic food was popular in the UK because he had lived there. On the other hand, this market was rarely explored in India. He founded Green Rush Organics five years ago to cater to retail businesses in India. "It was just two years ago that I became interested in hydroponics. "Vertical farming in a small space attracted my interest, therefore it started as a pastime," Rahul explains.
Since then, the man has been employing the soil-less approach to grow veggies for household consumption in the limited 80 sq ft space.
Acqua Farms Started Selling Hydroponics Starter Kits
Acqua Farms was founded six months ago with the goal of supplying hydroponics starting kits to those interested in learning more about the technology. For gifting purposes, their two-planter sets were a big hit. "These are smaller versions of a large hydroponics setup," Rahul continues, "to assist people learn how plants grow without soil, how to use the proper amount of nutrients for plant growth, and so on."
He Caters To Over 450 Families In Chennai
He was able to serve around 450 families in Chennai in the first month. Apart from the starting kit, Acqua Farms also offers larger system settings, ranging from 24, 48, 72, 96, and 1,000 planter systems, depending on the user's needs.
They also offer a subscription-based service for people who are unfamiliar with hydroponics, in which they assign the consumer an agronomist who looks after their plants and monitors them once a week for a monthly fee. "It uses 90% less water than normal soil-based cultivation," Rahul continues, highlighting the benefits of hydroponic farming.
It has macro and micronutrients directly given to the plant because it is water-based, and the plants develop 50% quicker and yield 50% more." "Often, while investigating hydroponic farming, individuals end up spending a lot of time accumulating information rather than doing anything useful," he advises prospective hydroponic farmers.
As a result, I recommend starting small, with a 10-planter system. Understand the method and gain experience through trial and error. It's time to scale up if you're getting good results."
Rahul Received Government Grant of Rs 50,000
He received a government grant of Rs 50,000, to train villagers on how to generate income by growing fodder with the help of hydroponics. At a time when our states are battling over water bodies due to severe water constraint, Rahul concludes that hydroponics could be a "highly effective approach" of raising food.
If this story has motivated your, then you call Rahul at 89395 49895 or visit his official Facebook Page Acqua Farms.