Everyday team Krishi Jagran organizes programs and webinars keeping in mind the needs and requirements of farmers in the country. A webinar was recently organized on the topic "Disease and pest management in sugarcane". In this webinar, agricultural experts, scientists, and sugarcane farmers shared their opinions.
Purpose of the webinar
The purpose of this webinar is to protect farmers from the damage caused by diseases and pests in sugarcane crops. Shruti Joshi Nigam, Content Manager, Krishi Jagran Hindi, introduced all the guests present in the webinar. Further, the Chief operating officer of Krishi Jagran, Dr. PK. Pant carried forward the webinar.
Suresh Kabade, an inspirational Sugarcane farmer
Sugarcane farmer Suresh Kabade, while sharing his experiences from Krishi Jagran's platform, said that I have been cultivating sugarcane continuously for 17 years on my one acre of land. Sharing views on the varieties of sugarcane, he said that Co-86032 is one of the best varieties of sugarcane. Kabade said that most of the farmers of western Maharashtra grow this variety.
Sharmila Roy, Head of Crop Protection, ICAR - Indian Sugarcane Research Institute, Lucknow
Sharmila Roy while talking about the pests in sugarcane said that we can divide the pests in Sugarcane crop into two parts, one which is borer, which makes holes in the seedling and the other are the pests like mealybug, black bugs. Therefore, farmers should focus on the management of borer pests, as it remains the biggest enemy of sugarcane crop right now.
Dr. Sunil Kumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Plant Protection, College of Horticulture-BUAT, Banda, Uttar Pradesh
Sunil Kumar, while talking about sugarcane diseases and their management said that the symptoms of red rot, a major problem in the Sugarcane crop includes dried leaves from bottom to top. The symptoms appear in 16 to 21 days and in the next 10 days, the whole plant starts drying up.
In such a situation, if we use ‘healthy sets’ for the prevention of this disease, we can manage it to a great extent. He further said that farmers can also use chemical management for this.
In this webinar, Dr. R. Viswanathan (Head, Crop Protection Department, ICAR- Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu), Dr. Chanchal Singh (Subject Matter Specialist Plant Protection, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Hamirpur, Uttar Pradesh) and progressive farmer Harjit Singh Hayen also expressed their views.
The webinar was broadcast live on Krishi Jagran's Facebook page. To watch the full video, you can click on the link given below-
Webinar on Diseases and Pest Management in Sugarcane