With the monsoon expected to average 104% of the long period average (LPA) rainfall, the agriculture sector has been looking towards a boost in crop production. Bihar is one state that is in a jubilant mood after getting adequate monsoon rains. The state has seen erratic monsoon affecting a part of their crops while heavy floods also remain a concern for the state.
Abdus Sattar, an Agri meteorologist from Dr Rajendra Prasad Central Agriculture University, Samastipur, Bihar says” There are two reasons for this heavy rainfall in the state, the first reason is that for the first time in ten years the monsoon has arrived on time in Bihar and it has been very helpful for the farmers and the second reason is that the Monsoon has maintained its intensity for a long period”. Not only Bihar but most parts of the country have experienced, more than average rainfall. The Indian Meteorological Department had predicted at least more than 60% of normal rainfall for 20 of its 36 subdivisions.
“Whatever rainfall we have received until now is more than 80-90% of the average rainfall that we have witnessed in the recent years and this has greatly helped the farmers during sowing of the crops,” says Sattar. With losses sustained by the farmers during the lockdown, a good monsoon means an increase in food production that will help them in overcoming their losses. This coupled with the recent reforms in the sector that allows farmers more freedom in selling their crops can drastically improve the situation.
“The heavy rains have proved to be a blessing for paddy cultivation and it is in a long time that the farmers face no difficulties in sowing paddy, the low lying fields are filled with water that has helped the farmer in transplanting and the onset of the monsoon indicates that the agricultural production will be very good for the state this year,”said Sattar.
On the issue of whether more rains would prove detrimental to the state, Sattar said that there was no such indication, though one or two areas may face this problem as it happens every year and the rains will prove to be a boon for the farmers.