To ensure adequate supply of Fertilizers to farmer Community during Kharif sowing season Union Minister for Chemicals and Fertilizers D V Sadananada Gowda held a meeting with all the stake holders of Fertilizer industry through Video conference. Speaking on the occasion he said “I would like to thank all the industry captains present here for cooperating with Government to contain adverse impact of corona pandemic. The crisis and consequent lockdown had thrown up several challenges which could have adversely impacted availability of fertilizers across the country. Fortunately, all of us were able to rise to the occasion and had ensured that fertilizer availability for upcoming Kharif crop is comfortable."
Despite all the odds, Gowda appreciated the way fertilizer industry kept operating your units.” Union Minister also said, as all of you know that Kharif season has started, and famers in various parts of the country have started their farming operations. In addition, we may experience a good monsoon season this year. Therefore, he emphasized that the demand for fertilizers may continue to remain at higher level this year also. Compared to last year, DBT sales of both urea and P & K fertilizers have been significantly higher in the months of April, May & June this year.
He, however, added that the requirement of urea during Kharif season is estimated at 170 Lakh MT while production may be around 133 Lakh MT. The difference will be made available through imports. Already two global tenders have been floated and Department will continue to import urea to meet the requirements of farmers across the country.
The minister also informed that availability of fertilizers had remained comfortable across the country so far, which was reported by various State Agriculture Departments during the last videoconference held on June 9th 2020. Continuing the tradition of the last 6 years, I have a firm belief that there will be no scarcity of fertilizers this year also. Complementing the industry, he stated that it would have been possible with their tireless efforts.

Praising the efforts of officers of Department of Fertilizers, Union Minister said, they worked day and night during the lockdown, and in close coordination with State Governments, M/o Railways and MHA to see that logistical issues faced by fertilizers units with respect to hurdles in movement of raw materials, staffs and fertilizers are sorted out.
On the issue of fertilizers Subsidy Shri Gowda said that the department was also quick in getting requisite approval for fixation of nutrient based subsidy for P & K fertilizers. Without which uncertainty about subsidy calculations would have prevailed this could have adversely impacted production.
He said, we are fully aware of the difficulty faced by fertilizer companies due to delay in payment of pending subsidy bills by the Department. We are working with Ministry of Finance to resolve the issues. Gowda explained the efforts being taken by Department of Fertilizer to resolve Energy Efficiency Norms issue in consultation with Department of Expenditure.
The other major challenges being faced by Fertilizers industries viz., (a) shortage of laborers due to their migration to native places, (b) restriction on import of skilled manpower and (c) restriction on import of machinery/ equipment for execution of revival & ESS projects were also deliberated. He assured that Ministry will take all necessary actions that are required to ease general difficulties faced by the industry as a whole’’. Company officers shared difficulties faced by them.
MoS, Mansukh Mandaviya discussed about coastal shipping for movement of fertilizers and also problems being faced by fertilizers industries at ports.
Secretary Department of Fertilizers Chhabilendra Roul explained about efforts being taken by dept. officials to resolve movement of Fertilizer in co-ordination with M/o Railways, state Governments and other agencies during Covid.