Agtech start-up BigHaat expands, offers market linkages to farmers
Agtech start-up BigHaat which sells agri-inputs online has expanded its operations to provide market linkages to farmers by connecting them with institutional buyers and corporates. BigHaat CEO, Sateesh Nukala, said, The company has recently started procuring produce such as red chillies, maize, turmeric and paddy in States such as Telangana and Andhra Pradesh on behalf of large corporates such as ITC and Suguna.
TVS Motor pledged Rs. 40 crores to support fight against COVID-19
TVS Motor Company, along with Sundaram Clayton and its group companies, has pledged Rs. 40 crores as part of an integrated approach to support the nationwide efforts to curb the spread of COVID-19.
Funds will be utilized to provide lifesaving supplies
TVS Motor Company, Chairman, Mr. Venu Srinivasan, said "We are experiencing an unprecedented crisis due to the deadly second wave of the COVID-19 outbreak in our country. This situation demands that we unify our efforts towards mitigating the severe impact of the pandemic.
To watch video, click here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyR9Bv_vaYA
India Pulses and Grains Association, the nodal body for India’s pulses trade and industry will be hosting a CHICKPEAS AND LENTILS WEBINAR under the aegis of ‘THE IPGA KNOWLEDGE SERIES’ on 13th May, 2021. IPGA is co-hosting this webinar with Pulse Australia and Austrade. This webinar aims to present an update on the Australian and Indian crop status covering two specific pulses, chickpeas and lentils, discussing aspects like production in the last season, supply-demand scenario, expected trade volumes and price as well as the impact of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic on production as well as trade.
"We believe will lead to opening up the sector to large investments "
IPGA, Founder Director, Mr. Pravin Dongre, said, “The Government of India recently announced path-breaking reforms in the Agriculture Sector which we believe will lead to opening up the sector to large investments in the agri-infra space.
CSIR-CMERI, Durgapur in association with MSME-DI Ranchi
CSIR-CMERI, Durgapur in association with MSME-DI Ranchi, Government of India and Indo Danish Tool Room, Jamshedpur organized a technical awareness campaign virtually for the MSMEs, Industries and entrepreneurs .
"CSIR-CMERI intends to boost manufacturing of OEU": Harish Hirani
CSIR-CMERI, Director, Prof (Dr) Harish Hirani, said, CSIR-CMERI intends to boost manufacturing of OEU, so that the mass production of the unit may be started at the earliest and its benefits may be extended to the maximum people in the society and he also added that CSIR-CMERI developed OEU can be used for small hospitals, mohalla clinics, remote villages and every household.
ICL Fertilizers organised a Live webinar on - Nutrient Management in Pomegranate
ICL Fertilizers India, organised a Live webinar on - Nutrient Management in Pomegranate. The speaker was Mr. Sanjay Naithani, Chief Agronomist, ICL, Mr. Sanjay Biradar, Senior Agronomist, ICL, Mr. Anant Kulkarni, Head strategy and Implementation, Mr. Pradeep Singh Panwar, Deputy sales manager Rajasthan discussed about