

National Agriculture Market (NAM) is an electronic trading platform for farmers & traders that enable the transfer of product information to each other enabling the mutual exchange of data for better pricing and distribution.

The mobile app is a complete solution to the trading problem. It has all the features of traditional, satellite and other analysis-based apps but it also has some innovative features. Purpose of the mobile App is to facilitate remote bid for farmers and related stake holders by traders in villages of rural India.

Our Special Features:

The e-NAM mobile app is a trading app that allows traders to view the information related to different markets. It also provides a platform for traders to bid for market shares.

Limited Functions available on this mobile app are:

For traders:

  • Can enter a fresh bid and/or change the last bid price.
  • Viewing your contact information, bidding history and sharing feedback is exciting since it allows you to 'lean in' and be all-in on deliverables.
  • Can bid for the lot available for trade.
  • Can see auction price and minimum bid requirements in case of open search

For farmers and other users:

  • A view of e-NAM mandis.
  • Can view mandi wise arrivals.
  • Search multiple cities or towns in any mandi to get the best prices available.

Mobile application functions like gate entry, online payment, quality assaying, lot management and weighment are indicated in the app.

Target Audience:

Farmers, Traders, Commission Agents, Processors, Exporters, mandi functionaries and other stakeholders in the agriculture supply chain.

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