Amul Farmers App

Amul Farmers App

This App is a powerful application which provides detailed information on milk temperature and color profile. This enables the dairy farmers to manage their daily dairy operations utilizing a mobile device. Farmers App has been developed by Amul in 2016.

The app visualization shows all the details of your milk data. From whether cows have produced milk and when, to the amount of waste discharged during last milking. The application maintains a personalized feed-back system for each of its subscribers.

Our Specialties

  • It is essential to determine the quality and the quantity of your milk. It will show you the three main parameters- color, clarity and taste.
  • The VDCs are available for the farmers, who need their help in detecting illicit activities. This is part of a wider strategy to improve transparency between farmers and VDCs, so that these can be used as an early warning system for illegal activities on their land.
  • Clear and accurate analysis of milk chart.
  • The farmer will be able to use the data of his/her past performance and keep track of it over time. This will help him/her in making more accurate predictions about the amount of payment that he/she can get.
  • Alert messages are time to time to avoid any kind of mishappening.
  • The milk collection data is a vital resource for farmers. They need to know the quantity of milk collected at any particular time. This information can be easily accessed using digital devices. Farmers have started using mobile phones, which are capable of capturing this information and storing it in a database.
  • Farmers can view the transactions of items thanks to this app especially in large-scale farmers. It also provides income information, while providing details of critical indicators pertaining to dairy farming industry during a cow's milking period.
  • This can help them to make better decisions about their farm's financial status.
  • Farmers can now take advantage to analyze their milk collection and revenue performance, so they can use this data to make better decisions such as where and when to could increase milk collection.
  • Milk collection slip containing Milk Type, milk quantity, Fat Content, date & time milk was collected, received by the farmer and amount paid to him.

Data Transparency

  • Show the last 4 shifts data for the amount and quality of milk
  • Milk flowing at point of production, latest milk slip and alerts when slipping
  • Can manage multiple accounts of a farmer
  • Information passbook of the farmers
  • Regular updates regarding the milk production
  • Farmer’s detailed information is present
  • Quantity and quality chat is available weekly or monthly

We are always happy to hear from you. If you have any feedback, questions, or concerns, please email us at

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