Hi, NewsWrap for September 11, 2021

Agri Transport & Marketing, Onion Price, ICAR-CCARI, IMD, Delhi Monsoon

11 September 2021

  • Delhi Receives Highest Rainfall in 46 years

    On 11th September (Saturday), the unusual monsoon season of 2021 has yielded 1,100 mm of rainfall in the national capital so far, the highest in 46 years & almost double the precipitation recorded in 2020. IMD said that the Safdarjung Observatory, the official marker for the city had gauged 1,150-mm of rainfall in the 1975 monsoon season. This year in 2021 the precipitation already hit the 1,100-mm mark & the season hasn’t ended yet.

  • Agri Transport & Marketing Plans to extend Dairy

    On 10th September (Friday) the government has extended the Transport & Marketing Assistance for the specified agriculture product scheme to dairy products & increasing the rates of assistance under the scheme. Under the TMA scheme, the government reimburses a certain portion of international freight charges to mitigate the disadvantage of the high freight costs faced by the Indian agriculture exporters to faraway places & provides assistance for their marketing.

  • Parliamentary Standing Committee on Agriculture visits ICAR-CCARI

    Parvatagouda Chandanagouda, Member of Lok Sabha, Bagalkot, Karnataka, and his team of 9 Members of Parliament, Senior Officials of Lok Sabha Secretariat & ADGs of ICAR visited the ICAR-Central Coastal Agricultural Research Institute, Goa last week. The team visited the Experimental Fields that include coconut-based cropping systems, coconut-heliconia, Mango Germplasm Block of ICAR-CCARI, Goa.


  • Onion Prices expected to rise due to Erratic Monsoon

    India’s unpredictable monsoon may lead to an increase in the price of onion. The bulb’s supply & price dynamics are dominated by climatic conditions; this is especially in southwest monsoons. According to Crisil, the onion prices are expected to cross Rs 30 per kg for the Kharif 2021, because of the challenges faced in transplanting crops in Maharashtra, it will be slightly lower on year 105% on a high base of the Kharif 2020. The Crisil Research forecasts an increase of more than 100% in the onion price this year as compared to 2018.


On the news

11 September 2021

That's it for for 11 September 2021