Hi, NewsWrap for April 09, 2024

09-April-2024: ICAR-IISR’s Innovative Formulation, Indian Onion Export, New Strategy Predicts Climate Change Impact, Multiple Cropping System

9 April 2024

  • ICAR-IISR’s Innovative Formulation Helps Farmers Control Soil Acidity & Boost Crop Yields

    ICAR-Indian Institute of Spices Research (ICAR-IISR) in Kozhikode has developed a granular lime-based Trichoderma formulation, named ‘Tricholime’. Led by a team of innovative scientists including Dr. V Srinivasan, Dr. R Praveena, Dr. R Dinesh, and Dr. S J Eapen, this formulation marks a significant advancement in agricultural technology.

  • European Court of Human Rights Delivers Landmark Ruling on Climate Change and Human Rights Violations

    In a groundbreaking decision on Tuesday, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) tackled a pivotal question: can insufficient government action on climate change constitute a human rights violation? The court's rulings on three cases could set a precedent with far-reaching implications for climate activists across Europe.

    The ECHR's ruling singled out Switzerland for its dull efforts in meeting emission reduction targets, deeming them woefully inadequate. This marks the first time the court has directly addressed the issue of global warming, signaling a significant shift in legal discourse surrounding climate change.

  • Indian Onion Export to UAE Under Scrutiny Over Alleged Unfair Pricing

    Indian onion shipments to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have stirred controversy as accusations arise of unfair pricing, allowing importers in the Middle Eastern nation to reap profits while Indian farmers suffer. Traders and cultivators have voiced concerns over the apparent discrepancy between international prices and those at which Indian onions are being exported.

  • New Strategy Predicts Climate Change Impact on Food Production and Financial Institutions

    Researchers from the University of California San Diego School of Global Policy and Strategy developed a strategy to predict the financial impacts of climate change on agriculture in an innovative study that was published on March 8, 2024, in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Their findings could provide crucial support for ensuring food security and financial stability in regions increasingly vulnerable to climate-related disasters.

  • PAU Urges Farmers to Adopt Multiple Cropping System with Pulses for Economic Sustainability

    With the commencement of the Kharif season, rice experts of Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) have called upon the farmers of Punjab to go in for potato/wheat-moong/mash-short duration rice varieties cropping system which is a win-win venture in terms of agricultural and economic sustainability.

On the news

9 April 2024

That's it for for 9 April 2024